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Voice Opposition to a Giant Cell Tower in Mid-Country Greenwich

As concerned residents of Greenwich, CT, USA, we urge the Town of Greenwich to abandon any construction of massive cell phone towers in the mid-country residential area. This petition is personal to our neighbors because our neighborhood is located near the two proposed tower sites.  There are many issues that have been raised by citizens and neighbors for the proposed tower, which include:


  1. Negative health effects, including on elderly residents of Witherell and children at NSS

  2. Obsolete technology which has been supplanted

  3. Negative impact on local property values

  4. Poor aesthetics of a 135 foot giant tower

  5. Give-away to big business


For details on the proposal, including location and coverage area click here.


1 - For more information on health please see: and American Cancer Society


 2 - The large tower represents Cellular development common in the 1990s when mobile technology was in its infancy.  More recent developments include things like microcells and femtocells which can be mounted unobtrusively on local utility poles.  These newer technologies, provide local coverage, including coverage for police and fire, in areas with poor reception.  To the extent additional cell coverage is needed in mid-country Greenwich, the town should research this newer and unobtrusive technology. (see link)


3 - The towering “monopine” antenna is nearly as tall as the Second Congregational spire which is visible from Long Island.  This giant antenna will be visible for miles, especially during winter months and will make one of Greenwich’s premiere residential neighborhoods seem industrial and urban.  This will reduce the appeal of properties from which this giant antenna is visible, negatively impacting property values and raising taxes for all residents.


4 - The aesthetics of this “fake tree” are out of character with this residential neighborhood and do not match the goals of the Greenwich Plan of Conservation and Development.


5 - We also believe a town lease to any Cell Tower Operator should command rents commensurate with the property values in the area.  The proposed lease represents a “giveaway” to the owners of the privately held Tower Operator in that the lease provides no ability to back out for 40 years (longer than cell technology has been around).

While we agree that cell coverage is spotty in some parts of Greenwich, despite it's size, the tower will provide only limited coverage we feel there are better solutions and we urge the Town to pursue other technological advances that are safer and maintain our community’s character.  For the above reasons, as well as others, the undersigned urge the Town leaders to reject this and any similar proposal.

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